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Reddit 網友把顯卡價格去除以算力做成趨勢圖,可以看到顯卡價格最 | Gooaye 股癌

Reddit 網友把顯卡價格去除以算力做成趨勢圖,可以看到顯卡價格最近的下跌,當然核心原因之一和中國人行約談銀行和支付公司要對付加密貨幣有關,中國長年來都在打擊加密貨幣。

而根據 Computerbase 的資料顯示歐洲的顯卡最高跌到 50%、Tom'sHardWare 也指出中國的顯卡價格跌了數十個百分比不等、而 eBay 顯示網路上的顯卡價格也正在下跌中。


"A few observations:

Price drop is here. The May 16 avg was $26.22 and today it was $20.88, over 20% drop in 1 month.

Higher MH cards look like they are dropping faster. The 3090 has dropped over 32% and the 3070 / 3080 have both dropped 25% in the same period.

Some surprises on which cards are pricier. The 2080 is frequently the most expensive per MH while the 2060s looks like it's been the best buy. This doesn't take into account power draw at all."