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傘聚CIC: 週末慈善瑜伽 Sunday Charity Yoga yoga 課堂及導師簡 | Justitia Hong Kong 暖氣軍師撐香港 Channel

傘聚CIC: 週末慈善瑜伽
Sunday Charity Yoga yoga

Rachel作為營養師, 有感我們無論在香港或英國每天都在不平衡中尋找平衡。平衡生活與工作。瑜伽是好好練習平衡, 以及和自己相處、靜心的時間。由香港到英國要適應新生活, 練習瑜伽給予了思考空間。希望藉此機會與大家分享瑜伽。
是次慈善瑜伽課包括了瑜伽呼吸法、靜心及體式練習, 讓參加者集中於呼吸、感受自己的身體。課堂將會用廣東話及英語授課, 歡迎初學者或有經驗的瑜伽練習者。

Class introduction and teacher’s bio
Rachel is a registered Nutritionist moved from Hong Kong to the UK. She feels that life is full of imbalance, and we always try to make a balance. We balance life and work. Adapting a new life in the UK, Rachel finds yoga provides her the best time to clear the monkey mind. Hope to share and enjoy yoga with all.

This charity yoga class brings you to an attempt of mindfulness practice from pranayama, meditation and asana practices.

Come join us in this meaningful event on a relaxing Sunday morning. Class conducted in Cantonese and English. Beginners or experienced yogis are welcome.

有關我們More information

日期及時間 Date & Time:
5月29日(星期日) 15:30 - 16:30
29 May (Sunday) 15:30 - 16:30

地點 Venue:
Danceworks (Studio 3)
16 Balderton Street, London, W1K 6TN

請自備 Please bring:
瑜伽蓆 Yoga Mat
水 Water
毛巾 Towel


歡迎自由捐款, 建議每人£5, 用來支付場地費用。可於以下網站或當日捐款。感謝!
Donation is welcome. £5 per person is suggested to just cover the venue cost. Feel free to donate on the link below or on the day of the class. Thanks!

為保障每位參加者,如參加者在當日確診新型冠狀病毒、有任何肺炎病徵或身體不適,請儘早通知主辦單位並留家休息! 在活動進行期間UF將拍攝作宣傳及記錄用途,到時見!
For a safer experience and well-being for all of our participants, please notify the organiser as soon as possible and stay home to rest should you display any Covid symptoms or do not feel well. During the event, UF might take video/photo for record and future marketing. Looking forward to seeing you then!

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