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【儲值卡實名制民意諮詢】 政府將會推出電話儲值卡實名制度,並展 | 觀塘區資訊頻道


政府將會推出電話儲值卡實名制度,並展開一個月的「假諮詢」。有見及此,我們在此展開真諮詢,了解市民對SIM卡實名制的看法並收集意見。街坊除咗填google form之外,記得要send埋你哋嘅意見email去 啊!


The Government will implement a real-name registration programme for SIM cards and has launched the one-month fake “public consultation” from January 30. In view of this situation, we are launching a real consultation to gather public opinions on the programme. Remember to submit your views by email (
#儲值卡實名制 #民意諮詢

Credit:圖片及Google Form 由 王百羽 Henry Wong - 王伯 提供