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The Awakening to the Buddha Light Turning the Mind's eye inwar | 法鼓山新加坡护法会网路课程

The Awakening to the Buddha Light
Turning the Mind's eye inward

Speaker: Gilbert Gutierrez
(one of late Master Sheng Yen's Dharma heirs)

2021 Dec 04,11,18 & 2022 Jan 08, Saturday
9am to 12pm Singapore/Taiwan time
Live broadcast via Zoom (limited seat) and Youtube.

This lecture series will explore the historical and doctrinal development of Bodhisattvas in the context of the Mahayana doctrines of Ekayana, Buddha Nature, and Compassion.

This class is intended for both novice and advanced practitioners. It will also provide practical introduction of the Right View practice in meditation and in daily lives. The profound meaning of walking, sitting, thinking and speaking in Chan will also be discussed.

This lecture series will be delivered in English with consecutive interpretation into Chinese.
