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European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Congress is the biggest a | Dr Sim Kui Hian

European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Congress is the biggest annual professional cardiologist meeting with over 30,000 delegates.

Had the privileged and honoured not only as a Faculty of this meeting for more than 15 years but as organising committee for this multi million € event.

Missed ESC Congress 3 years (2 years of COVID19 and this year) in a row. But very happy that so many young Cardiologists lead by fellow Sarawakian, Dr Alan Fong, President of National Heart Assoc of Malaysia, continue the scientific presentations, the professional networking with ESC leadership, ACC leadership, APSC leadership…#Legacy

Will join the Malaysia team in ESC 2023


//欧洲心脏病协会(ESC) 大会是规模最大的年度专业心脏病专家会议,获得全世界超过3万名代表参加。


虽然连续 3 年错过这项大会,无法亲赴参与,但还是很高兴看到来自砂拉越许多优秀及年轻的心脏病专家参与该大会,很期待能亲身参与明年的大会。
[ Admin Bee ]