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Foreigners bought SK Hynix stocks worth $1,2 billion in the pa | Gooaye 股癌

Foreigners bought SK Hynix stocks worth $1,2 billion in the past month. As of Mar. 8, the foreign ownership rate of the company reached a record high of 54.35%, according to Korea Exchange (KRX). -the chosun daily

外資大敲海力士,持股比例刷歷史新高。在博通的電話會議上 Hock 表示 ASIC 毛利較低是因為 HBM 價格的影響

雖然記憶體產業常常沒多久就玩成血海,但以目前產能擴充狀態去比對新一代晶片普遍用到更多的 HBM 容量,大概還有一段好景色