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Whistleblower #0109 Laboratory Technician Location withheld 26 | Covid-19

Whistleblower #0109
Laboratory Technician
Location withheld


I work in a big laboratory in --- and would like to tell you what's happening in the labs.
About 3-4 weeks ago I noticed a big increase in the number of ECG's we are receiving. The increase was very sudden and noticable, I started to pay attention to it and looked at the doctors request forms.

They were all urgent tests. The tests mostly are troponin, d dimer and ECG. All people who are getting these test are after they receive a vaccination. Mostly Pfizer, some AZ and last week Moderna. It’s people who went to their doctor with problems after vaccination. They are not in the hospital care yet. The clinical notes from doctors (if they bothered to write it down) states:

Heart problems after vaccination....after 1st dose, after 2nd dose.. 1 week after vaccination, 2 weeks after vaccination, next day, 2 days ago... different variations.
But most upsetting is the fact that they are all young people! Born in the 80s 90s and 00s. Some are teenagers - just 15 - 16 year olds! With heart problems!

The clinical notes are:
Chest pain
Chest discomfort
Extreme fatigue
Abdominal pain
Chest heaviness
Sharp chest pain
- all after the vaxx.

Now I noticed that less doctors are writing clinical notes. But if you see the combination of these test: troponin, d dimer and ECG and the person is 20-30 y.o. it's absolutely clear why they are having these tests
Every day during my shift I see 20-30 request forms with clinical notes and some without clinical notes. I’ve stopped counting them.

The second part I want to mention is Covid swabs. They are a river of money for the company. The amount of covid swabs coming in every day is enormous! You have to see it with your own eyes to believe it! It's a money making machine. You wouldn't like it to stop if it were your business.

After all I see there is no way they can convince me to get this shot! From --- I am not working there any more.

Social Media: Telegram - Frontlineworkers Speak Out! #AU