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How to Get Over Fear of Disappointing Others (FODO) You’re st | TomBen’s Web Excursions

How to Get Over Fear of Disappointing Others (FODO)

You’re stressed out because you can’t say no. And you’re unwilling to say no because you’re afraid someone will feel disappointed with you.

This means that if you want to deal with your chronic stress (or anxiety, burnout, overwhelm, etc) you have to deal with the root cause, which in many cases is actually a hidden fear of disappointing others.

How to Get Over Fear of Disappointing Others: 6 Tips

1. Consider the costs of your FODO.

2. Remember that you are not responsible for other people’s emotions.

3. Reframe your fear as uncomfortable, not dangerous.

Just because it feels bad doesn’t mean it is bad.

4. Use reverse empathy to build some initial confidence.

5. Start with the 30% version and work your way up.

6. Watch out for fake guilt.