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The latest developments came as no surprise to those who follo | Twitter 英文補習

The latest developments came as no surprise to those who follow recent events in Hong Kong’s once-freewheeling media industry. An exodus of journalists and editors from the territory’s much-acclaimed news outlets, such as Cable TV and its public broadcaster, RTHK, in the last couple of years have alarmed free speech campaigners in the city and beyond.
Once-freewheeling: 以前不受約束
Exodus: exodus of journalists … from … news outlets, exodus指記者(被迫)離職,或被拘捕;但標題嘅exodus from territory,exodus就指移民
Acclaimed: 獲得好評
In the city and beyond: in the city,喺香港,加埋and beyond,就係話「以及在外國」

The assaults on press freedom have continued since the Apple Daily saga. A few days after the tabloid folded, the city’s police chief, Raymond Siu, suggested that a “fake news” law would be necessary to tackle “hostility against the police”.
Saga解「事件」,多指負面嘅事,Apple Daily saga自然指蘋果倒閉件事
Tabloid: 通俗小報,會較多八卦新聞,用口語;喺香港,蘋果、東方等都會歸類為tabloid
Fold: 倒閉
Fake news: 假新聞

眾新聞創辦人楊健興話:The authorities are just adding more weapons into their pocket in order to stifle dissent(當局只不過在增加其打壓異見的方法,有備無患)

In recent years, the Hong Kong Journalists Association, which Yeung used to lead, has raised the authorities’ ire.
Raised the authorities’ ire: 惹起當權者怒火

The psychological impact on Hong Kong’s journalists, once regarded as muckraking by many, is evident.

It is not only local Chinese-language news outlets that are feeling the chill. International news outlets such as the New York Times are already shifting their base to elsewhere in the region because … the national security law “unsettled news organisations and created uncertainty about the city’s prospects as a hub for journalism”.

“We fought the good fight. We finished the course. We kept the faith,” one farewell card read.
改自新約聖經提摩太後書4章7節:I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith(那美好的仗我已經打過了,當跑的路我已經跑盡了,所信的道我已經守住了)。外國人有時會引用依句說話,哀悼已逝世嘅人,或鼓勵曾經盡力做事嘅人
