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英國外交部:The UK will continue to support Ukraine in the fac | Twitter 英文補習

英國外交部:The UK will continue to support Ukraine in the face of this assault on its sovereignty and territorial integrity.
Sovereignty: 主權
Territorial integrity: 領土完整

英國內政大臣Priti Patel: We stand shoulder to shoulder with Ukraine amid this unprovoked and undemocratic act of Russian aggression.
Stand shoulder to shoulder: 「肩併肩」,即同心一致,全力支持
Unprovoked: 在未受挑釁下
Undemocratic: 不符合民主原則

Nikki Haley: Russian barbarism knows no end.

Marco Rubio: One day the world will be awed when it hears the stories of the bravery and heroism happening at this very moment in #Ukraine.
Awed: 敬畏、驚嘆
Heroism: hero係英雄,heroism即英勇行為,或大無畏精神

Young Kim: We must be unwavering in unity, strength & support for Ukraine.
Unwavering: 不動搖

Michael Chong: Russia’s attack, coming on the heels of a new alliance with the People’s Republic of China, presents the most serious threat to the rules-based international order since 1945.
Coming on the heels of: at the heels of或on the heels of解「緊隨其後」,全句意思係「俄羅斯同中共結盟後,展開侵略行動……」
Rules-based international order: 尊重規則的國際秩序

Senator Todd Young: With Russia and China content to chart their own paths, despite the costs, we must examine what credible deterrence means – both for Putin in Moscow & Xi in Beijing.

Rep. Mike Waltz: Biden’s sanctions-focused strategy has failed to deter Putin because he believes Russia has more to gain longterm w #Ukraine’s ports, industrial, and agricultural capacity than the pain it will feel in the short term; especially if German resolve weakens and China is a back door.

Rep. Chris Stewart: China, Iran and North Korea are watching with similarly malevolent intentions.
Malevolent intentions: 心懷不軌的企圖

Enes Freedom: Leaders of the free world need to wake up & get out of their basement & start acting like real leaders.
所謂「領袖……離開自己嘅地上下室」(get out of their basement),用香港人講法就係類似「唔好只喺識得喺自己辦公室指指點點」

提到開戰當晚中共趁機派軍機進入台灣領空,Sen. Marsha Blackburn話Do not be fooled – Beijing is watching Russia’s invasion and taking notes.
Take notes,當然唔應該直譯「抄筆記」,而係指留心事態發展,考慮可採取嘅回應

Rep. Elaine Luria: All eyes are understandably on Russia’s all-out attack on Ukraine, however, we must not lose focus on China’s continued aggression towards Taiwan.

Clay Travis: China just announced Taiwan “is not Ukraine” and is “an inalienable part of China.” Buckle up, we may have a second invasion coming, this one far more significant, because no one in the world respects Joe Biden or his leadership team.
Inalienable: 不可分割
Buckle up: 當一個叫另一個人buckle up,即叫佢「扣好安全帶」,意思同香港人較常見嘅fasten your seat belt一樣。叫人扣好安全帶,表示將會開車/起飛,或有可能前面有危險。所以叫人buckle up,就帶有前路不明,或將會有危險、刺激事情發生嘅含意。所以,第一句先講中共話台灣係中國不可分割一部分,跟住叫人buckle up,警告讀者更嚴重嘅事(侵台)可能將會發生