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總統澤連斯基:Had a phone conversation with @BorisJohnson. Re | Twitter 英文補習

總統澤連斯基:Had a phone conversation with @BorisJohnson. Received assurances of his support on the eve of tomorrow’s important meetings.
Assurances: 保證
On the eve of: 前夕

Olga Tokariuk:
With all eyes rightly focused on the tragedy of Mariupol, let’s not forget other Ukrainian cities on a brink of a humanitarian disaster.
On a brink of a humanitarian disaster: 處於人道災難邊緣/快將經歷人道災難
So many reports of outstanding cruelty of Russian invaders in Ukraine.
For years, Russian propaganda said that Ukrainians were subhumans, they prepared ground for this massacre.
Subhuman: 次等人
Grounds: 基礎;話俄羅斯官方宣傳不斷話烏克蘭人係次等民族,為而家入侵提供理據。留意當解作基礎/理由時,多數會寫作grounds而非ground
Russians threaten to obliterate Mariupol if the city doesn’t surrender.
Obliterate: 消滅,即係將全城盡毀,一概不留,程度較destroy(破壞)更為嚴重

Visegrad 24: Ukraine’s foreign minister warns that as the war grinds into its second month and Russian missiles and shells continue to rain down on Ukrainian cities, European resolve has begun to wane.
Rain down: 話導彈同彈殼好似落雨咁「大量降下」
Resolve: 決心
Wane: 動詞,解「減弱」。作為名詞時,亦有類似意思,例如CBC新聞網站2020年8月14日報導標題:Hong Kong journalists knew press freedom was on the wane. Jimmy Lai’s arrest confirmed it(香港的記者知道新聞自由正被削弱,而黎智英被捕便證實了這一點)

Illia Ponomarenko:
Surprise, surprise!
Macron has just wasted an hour of his time trying to persuade Putin into becoming a human being. Again.
Quite unexpectedly, Putin did not give in. Again.
Maybe Macron is fond of listening to Putin’s schizophrenic folk history delusions, dunno.
Surprise: 有時外國人寫嘢會故意講反話,所以睇清上文下理判斷意思好重要。Surprise字面解「驚奇」,但其實咁寫,係故意挖苦,類似我哋平時講「有咩咁出奇?」
Persuade … into becoming a human being: 人就係人,點解會由法國總統說服(persuade)普京成為一個人?其實係斥責普京禽獸不如,所以由馬克龍同佢通話,簡直浪費時間(wasted an hour of his time)
Unexpectedly: 意料之外,當然亦係講反話
Give in: 讓步
Schizophrenic folk history delusions直譯「帶點精神分裂,對民間歷史的錯覺」,指普京散播話俄羅斯人同烏克蘭人同根同源,所以要去「解放」烏克蘭,用嚟將侵略正當化嘅論述
話馬克龍鍾意(fond of)聽普京胡言亂語,當然亦係反話
Dunno即係don’t know
