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華盛頓郵報,(2020年)6月1日: | Twitter 英文補習


Many Hong Kong activists found their political awakening at the annual vigil held in Victoria Park, and it became a ritual for many families in the city.
Political awakening: 政治覺醒/政治啟蒙
Ritual for many families,指好多人年年六四一家大細出席維園晚會,變成一種習慣(ritual)。雖然好多人批評以往六四集會行禮如儀,但對好多外國人(尤其有信仰嘅人)嚟講,為身亡嘅人嘅「禮」(ritual)係平常事,唔會有貶意

引述支聯會鄒幸彤:The government may be able to ban gatherings, but it cannot stop candles being lit in every corner of Hong Kong. The more one wants to stifle the light, the brighter the candle will burn.
Stifle除咗解熄滅火,亦可解遏制、阻止,例如:the National Security Law was enacted with the purpose of stifling freedoms(制訂國安法,旨在扼殺自由)