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報章報道時會用emails purporting to be from / to belong to Pavl | Twitter 英文補習

報章報道時會用emails purporting to be from / to belong to Pavlou。Purport即「聲稱/自稱」。報章唔可以百分百確定指呢啲係假電郵,所以會咁寫

Pavlou自己形容呢個係orchestrated campaign,即「精心策劃的行動」。用orchestrate一字,多帶有別有用心安排一件事嘅含意

Samuel Bickett: If all this is confirmed, there need to be consequences for the Chinese diplomats involved in the manufactured allegations (including expulsion from the UK for those protected by diplomatic immunity)
Manufactured allegations: 虛構指控
Expulsion: 驅逐出境
Diplomatic immunity: 外交豁免權,即領事、外交官等喺派駐地可免被檢控

諾定咸大學副教授Andreas Fulda: Those who still claim that the Chinese Communist Party doesn’t seek to interfere in liberal democracies should follow this latest @DrewPavlou saga closely.

Mark Sabah: this is astonishing … and part of a growing trend where #China stifles debate in countries around the world The @metpoliceuk need to be better educated to stop activists in the UK being falsely targeted for speaking out on #Uyghur #Xinjiang #HongKong
Stifles debate: 扼殺討論
以stifle xxx形容國安法最好不過,例如連南華早報2022年2月20日都有評論標題話National security: how stifling political dissent became part of Hong Kong’s rule of law(國家安全:扼殺政治異見如何成為香港的法治的一部分)
