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常用字: Jury: 陪審團 Jury trial/trial by jury: 陪審團審訊 Juro | Twitter 英文補習

Jury: 陪審團
Jury trial/trial by jury: 陪審團審訊
Juror: 陪審員

The function of the no-jury provision in the national security law … is to reduce uncertainties of the trial outcome which is solely determined by judges handpicked by the chief executive.
所謂減少不確定性(reduce uncertainties),即係假如以陪審團審訊,陪審員可能會同情被告,判被告無罪嘅情況
Solely determined(僅由……決定),因為根據國安法44條,行政長官喺指定國安法法官時,「可」(may)徵詢國安委和首席法院意見,變相令行政長官可自行決定邊啲法官負責國安案件

It is likely … that the 47 primary cases will become a show trial as most of them have been detained for more than a year and the conventional practice of jury trial at Hong Kong’s High Court is removed by the executive.
Show trial: 可以拆開兩個字解作「為做show而設嘅審訊」,指為咗宣傳、做個樣,做場戲令人覺得對啲反對派有公平嘅審訊
形容陪審團審訊係conventional practice(慣常做法),因為普通法制度下一向有陪審團審訊
指陪審團制度「由行政當局取消」(removed by the executive),因為決定由律政司長作出,律政司就係行政當局一部分

Claims which safety of jurors would be at risk is absurd and an excuse for the judges who pledged their allegiance to Beijing to get maximum grip of the trial.
Pledged their allegiance to Beijing: 法官當然唔會直接宣誓效忠中共,但基於指定國安法法官嘅制度,法官判決時便有可能唔敢得罪中共,亦即黎恩灝所指show trial意思

The “foreign elements’ claim made by Paul Lam in his decision, if true, is an outright fabrication… Members of the jury are selected on a random basis. Together with the protection by the courts, jurors can be sealed off from the outside world during the trial. In such circumstances, how can the so-called “foreign elements” influence jurors’ decision?
Outright fabrication: 完全是無理藉口
Random: 隨機;陪審員隨機選出,所以不可能有「外部勢力」插手
Sealed off from the outside: 指若陪審員有安全擔憂,可以喺審訊時作特別安排,令陪審員不被外界見到
