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【六四倫敦紀念集會】【June 4th Vigil in London】 日期: 6月 | UK-HK 【公海】Solidarity Public Action Channel

【六四倫敦紀念集會】【June 4th Vigil in London】

日期: 6月4號 (星期五)
Date: Friday 4 June 2021
Time / 時間: 8 PM - 10 PM
地點: 中國駐英國大使館外, 49 Portland Pl, Marylebone, London W1B 1AD
Location: Opposite Chinese Embassy (near Royal Institute of British Architects) 49 Portland Pl, Marylebone, London W1B 1AD

一直以來,香港每年的六四燭光紀念集會都是全球最大規模之一。而在香港言論自由的保障下,公民社會間每年都有就紀念六四活動之模式和意義引發熱烈的討論。然而,自2020年以來,香港政府以新冠疫情為由鎮壓公開紀念六四的活動,再加上去年香港頒布的 《國家安全法》,相信未來的所有六四紀念活動也全都可能被禁止。幾十名參加了去年六四悼念活動的市民正受到起訴,其中四人已經被判監禁,還有許多香港人因參與和平集會面臨審判。

港共政權禁止得了香港維園的年度六四燭光集會,禁絶不了香港人悼念六四的心,香港人會將維園燭火的堅持,帶到世界各地;港共政權越是打壓香港的民主自由,越是激發香港人爭取民主自由的決心,越叫香港人明白到在抗爭的路上,我們並不孤單 --- 我們的遭遇,讓我們明白到我們與維吾爾人、西藏人,以及所有被中共政權打壓的人都是相連的!

Facebook Event page:

The largest June Fourth commemoration vigil for the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre used to take place in Hong Kong yearly. However, since 2020 the Hong Kong government has used the pretext of the pandemic and National Security to crack down on public commemoration of the events. Dozens of citizens who participated in the June Fourth vigil last year have been charged, and some have already been given prison sentences.

HongKongers around the world will continue to hold June Fourth vigils, to commemorate the fallen in 1989, but now, also with a new sense of solidarity with people in Hong Kong, where their freedom and human rights are continuously being eroded; and to the Uyghurs, the Tibetans, to everyone who have been oppressed by the Chinese Communist Party.

Please join us this Friday evening for the June 4th Vigil in London. Their memory would not fade away, history will not be rewritten, for as long as people are not willing to be silenced.