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Since ancient times, women in China have been paying attention | 我們愛中華學會

Since ancient times, women in China have been paying attention to their physical appearance. In China, the preening (makeup) culture gradually spread from the upper class to the general population.

Women in China complete their outward appearance with nail polish, lipstick, and perfume. Initially, makeup was used as a marker of the social status and charm of the opposite sex. In addition, perfume has also become part of the beauty tradition. Some of the flowers used by Chinese women as perfumes for centuries are lilies, lotuses, chrysanthemums, and others.

Editor 編輯者:Fredric Chia

References 參考文獻

Godley, Michael R. "The end of the queue: hair as symbol in Chinese history". East Asian History (8): 53–72.

Tone, Sixth. “Why Long Fingernails Were All the Rage in Ancient China.” Sixth Tone, 2021,

Chun, Lin (2008). On Feminism and China: Foot-Binding as an Aesthetic, History and Dialogue. New York. pp. 23–30.