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Fellowship on the Lord’s Move in Kenya From 24 to 27 February, | 一个新人

Fellowship on the Lord’s Move in Kenya
From 24 to 27 February, the responsible brothers in Kenya gathered together in Bahati, Kenya for prayer and fellowship on the Lord’s move in Kenya. The brothers are very encouraged as well as burdened for the furtherance of the gospel in Kenya. We were all reminded of the great commission from the Lord: “Go therefore and disciple all the nations.” (Matt. 28:19a) We have formed a team to oversee this matter and to come up with a schedule on how to go on from one city to another. We began the propagation in the city of Machakos (about 100 kilometers East of Nairobi). We thank the Lord that in seven weeks’ time, a good number of people have turned to the Lord and to His Body. 10 people were baptised and entered into the kingdom of God...

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