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兄弟齐心,携手纳新 | DIC & GPW Will Recruit Together 北京时间 | 海洋影院前厅 - 通告中心

兄弟齐心,携手纳新 | DIC & GPW Will Recruit Together

北京时间 2022 年 1 月 1 日 0:00 到 7 日 24:00 期间,海豚开放申请,海豹开放注册。
点此 申请海豚 (DIC) | 点此 注册海豹 (GPW)


From GMT +8 Jan 1 2022, 0:00 to Jan 7 2022, 24:00, DIC will open for application and a GPW will open for registration.
Click here to apply for DIC | Click here to register at GPW