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Greetings from the highest spheres, my name Koruth son of the | Legal Freedom

Greetings from the highest spheres, my name Koruth son of the sun, I am an Avian space traveler, organizer of worlds, my mission is to protect the planets in evolution, my Alpha fleet is in the terrestrial skies at this moment, performing alignment of dense energies in subtle for the transfer of dimension 3D to 5D.

We are issuing a new communiqué of near-earth energies emanating from the central sun that will collide with the earth's surface next weekend, initiating a new magnetic program; this impact will occur for the greater good of humanity since it will surround the earth from pole to pole forming a protective shield, so that the rotation that is rapidly taking place on the planet does not alter its course or have catastrophic consequences, this magnetic force does not It will only help the planet but every living being on earth, the dense energies will become more subtle and thus the change of frequency will be easier.

The force of the impact will be felt on the earth from the outside in and on the human being from the inside out, producing a perfect balance of energies, all contributing to the healing, purification and cleansing of the planet.

The symptoms that the bodies and the planet will have are normal, Gaia is in labor and her contractions will be felt in every corner of the planet, we are going through moments never before seen in the history of humanity, we are going through a roller coaster, some will feel the stronger symptoms than others, depending on the density of their bodies, just as Gaía purifies herself and does her cleaning, the bodies will also do it.


1- Headaches, itchy

2- high fevers

3- Sore throat, phlegm

4- Discouragement

5- Loss of appetite

6- Insomnia

7- Weight loss

8- Pain in extremities

9- Tiredness

10- Malgenius, anger, rage, despondency, restlessness, fear, sadness, desolation, bitterness, temporary dislocation, among other symptoms.

All this is happening on the planet, climatic changes, environmental disasters, landslides, floods,