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TV ratings here in the United States are said to be the lowest | Legal Freedom

TV ratings here in the United States are said to be the lowest in history.

However, due to a meeting at the US Congress yesterday, the ratings suddenly hit a record high.

The content of the US Congress meeting was the agenda that the US government should cut off all aid from the FBI.

Because the content was widely welcomed by the people, the ears of Americans were opened and their eyes twinkled.

The US government has already cut off all aid to the FBI, but it is only now that the public is notified in this way. I must have mentioned it here a long time ago.

Many departments of the US government have gone missing, including the FBI and the CIA.

The important agenda continues to come up here at US Congress these days.

Kamala Harris is nowhere to be seen, and there was something else in Congress over the agenda that Nancy Pelosi could not sit in the presidency, but the details were not on TV.

Anyway, I'm relieved that things are progressing.

Written by KQ, Kimi