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国家医疗不够 #人数爆棚 #慈济基金 我们一起拿起手机( 一人Rm10.1 | 🌙月亮业务🌙

国家医疗不够 #人数爆棚 #慈济基金
我们一起拿起手机( 一人Rm10.13 )


诚邀您参与一人一善,捐出RM10.13给慈济基金,让慈济代您购买医疗物资给他们。也欢迎您广传此讯息,呼吁更多人一起来行善。 无限感恩您

As the pandemic is getting severe, medical supplies are insufficient. Frontliners and patients need everyone's love and support. We sincerely invite you to participate in "One person, one good deed", donate RM10.13 to the Tzu Chi Fund, and let Tzu Chi buy medical supplies for them on your behalf. You are also welcome to spread this message and call on more people to do good together. Thank you, gan en
