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惊人的麻省理工斗派,膨胀发展的警醒主义瘟疫 How Woke Is MIT? #B | 陌上美国MoshangUS

惊人的麻省理工斗派,膨胀发展的警醒主义瘟疫 How Woke Is MIT? #BilingualPosts

0:52 麻省理工“斗派颂” MIT Wokey Pokey Song
1:28 什么是斗派哲学What is wokesim?
2:14 李鬼扮李逵-结果平等与过程平等 What is equity?
3:46 取消文化在MIT的症状 What is cancellation?
5:42 科学、数学被批成“种族主义“、“性别主义” Is Science Racist?
7:00 MIT大教授竟然说“理性思考是男人领域,抬举了白人至上男性” Do you agree a MIT Ford Professor’s saying that “reason must be challenged because it is a province of men”?
8:00 MIT 麻省理工一天招了6个DEI院长;有70个DEI雇员 DEI organization is taking over MIT
9:10 冰冻三尺非一日之寒,斗派50年来一直在布局,近两年加速恶化 The overall situation has its root decades earlier

#教育 #争论话题