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A Letter to Students from the Committee on Student Discipline | LGU💊

A Letter to Students from the Committee on Student Discipline

Dear Students,
In Term 2 of Academic Year 2020-21, the University detected that a number of students had submitted false medical certificates in their applications for late course drop and/or absence from course examination. After investigations conducted by the Committee on Student Discipline,  it was found that those false medical certificates were purchased from people outside the University via WeChat.
This behavior is a serious violation of University regulations, as defined in #15.1 of the General Regulations Governing Undergraduate Studies, “(j) misrepresentations or false statements made in any application or document submitted to CUHK(SZ) or CUHK”. Students who were found to have engaged in such behavior in Term 2, 2020-21 have been issued with penalties including one or two demerits [a total of three may result in termination of studies at CUHK(SZ)], in accordance with the gravity of the offence.
We understand that a student might sometimes struggle with course work or the pressure of sitting exams. If you are really stressed or struggling with your studies, the best option is to talk to your course instructor, Academic Advisor or a Counsellor at SHCC. Do NOT, under any circumstances, resort to forging or purchasing false medical documents in order to obtain special consideration. This behavior is not only a violation of University regulations, but also against the law.
We hope that this email can serve as an alert to all students. As a member of the CUHK(SZ) community, every single student should uphold personal integrity in order to maintain a fair and honest academic environment at CUHK(SZ).
Thank you for your attention.
Registry Office
On behalf of
Committee on Student Discipline