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Why Hollywood loves this creepy bird call by #Vox 为什么 #好 | 庭说 TingTalk

Why Hollywood loves this creepy bird call by #Vox

为什么 #好莱坞 喜欢 #潜鸟 这种恐怖的 #鸟叫声(loon call)呢?

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If you’ve seen any remotely creepy movie, you’ve heard a loon wail: that mournful, nearly human ooo-ooo-oooo. It pops up whenever a movie needs to convey melancholy or trepidation, often accompanied by a full moon or some fog. But for the most part, loons have no business being in the background of those scenes. 如果你看过任何令人毛骨悚然的 #电影,你就会听到潜鸟的 #哀号:那种悲哀的、近乎人性的呜呜呜呜。每当电影需要传达忧郁或恐惧时,它就会弹出,通常伴随着满月或雾气。但在大多数情况下,懒人在这些场景的背景中没有任何业务。

With the help of some internet birders, we took a deep dive (pun intended) into the world of loons to explain how Hollywood misuses this bird call — and why the wail is so haunting in the first place. 在一些互联网观鸟者的帮助下,我们深入了解了潜鸟的世界(双关语),以解释好莱坞如何滥用这种鸟叫——以及为什么哀号一开始如此令人难以忘怀。翻译 by DeepL