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最新信息 23

2021-11-23 00:00:01
#church #churchnews #Christ #Lif

After a free mass book distribution of over 130,000 ministry books in schools and to the general public in early 2020, some contacts were made. Some of these ones are pursuing the ministry and are being shepherded gradually into the church life, particularly in the cities of Cape Coast, Jasikan and Nkwanta. The following is a short introduction regarding the Lord’s move in Jasikan and Cape Coast.

The Lord’s Move in Jasikan

Jasikan is a major town situated in the Oti Region in the Northeastern part of Ghana. The majority of the population there are migrants from Togo, a neighboring country and are mainly a mix of nominal Christians and unbelievers. After the book distribution in colleges and senior high schools, we realized the hunger among seeking ones. Through fellowship, some brothers began laboring in this city. One of the brothers migrated to Jasikan for the shepherding of the contacts and the establishment of the Lord's testimony.
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2021-11-22 00:01:08 各地的见证蒙了相当的保守。 更因着日后在身体的水流中, 末了的荣耀更是大过先前的。

四 不摸属灵的死亡
弟兄 清楚看见生命树的异象, 宝爱生命, 恨恶死亡, 一生中经历了三次大的风波, 都有智慧的避开。 尤其在六四年, 有天半夜从台南会所逃离, 避开当时的死亡影响, 为赵弟兄日后津津乐道, 这也是拿细耳人该有的态度,--宝爱生命,远离死亡。

晚年生活像旧约的拿细耳人撒母耳, 活基督,显大基督
旧约的撒母耳是拿细耳人, 在神子民当中行走,像神人一样; 我们的赵弟兄生命成熟老练,在泰国众召会众圣徒中间供应生命带领工作, 确实留下神人生活的榜样与见证以及无数属灵的后裔。所不同者, 撒母耳晚年, 儿女偏离,结果生出以迦博( 神的荣耀离开了), 赵弟兄却像黎明的光,越照越明直到日午, 肉身的女儿仰荣跟随父母的脚踪爱主事奉主, 更有无数属灵的儿女, 接续弟兄见证的火炬,继续刚强的开拓主恢复在泰国的见证, ,在荣耀的主再来之日,他们要成为弟兄的荣耀和冠冕。
感谢主! 将如此美好的榜样赐给了我们,成为云彩永远围绕着我们,激励我们一直奔跑摆在前头的赛程。
作为主军队中的晚辈, 我们以您为荣,以您为榜样。
主内晚 刘晨曦弟兄 主后 2021 年 11 月 20 日 于 美国加州 安大略
72 views21:01
2021-11-22 00:00:00

主在我们中间的恢复即将迈入第一百年, 在已过年日中,走主恢复道路的人风起云涌:然而,奉献一生全时间事奉超过一甲子,而且越照越明直到末了的,实属凤毛麟角。 在不多的人中,我们的赵之璧弟兄是其中的“国宝” — 终身的拿细耳人。
弟兄年二十余感染了当时的不治之症--严重的肺结核, 神的大怜悯拯救了他,自此一定永定自愿奉献,一生全时间事奉爱他的主。如此开始了他拿细耳人的一生。
一 脱离一切属地的快乐
莫论自二十六岁起在台湾早期的事奉生涯,是如何没有属地的快乐:趪论早期在泰国各地筚路蓝缕的开展是何等的艰辛:甚至到晚年, 在诺大的曼谷会所里,赵弟兄夫妇二人甘于住在一小房间里,即知悉弟兄是终身的拿细耳人,淡酒浓酒都不喝。

二 不寻求自己的荣耀,乃要绝对服从
无怨无悔,五十年如一日,成为绝对服从的基督家仆。 泰国的圣徒们,你们何其有福。

三 蒙拯救脱离天然的情感
当九三年,九四年背叛的风波再发酵时, 很不幸的也传染到泰国各地, 曼谷召会受到不小的冲击, 风波的病菌像毒疮要样,越烂越大。许多弟兄姊妹都是赵弟兄牧养并成全 如同属灵的儿女。有些人软硬兼施要拖弟兄下水,弟兄不受天然情感的影响,坚决持守主恢复的异象与道路,并将这样的情形交在基督的身体当中,于是有来自台湾,南韩以及马来西亚的圣徒们一同来牧养,挽回弟兄姊妹们,感谢主,泰国
72 viewsedited  21:00
2021-11-21 00:00:00
BIBLE STUDY RECAP! Man’s Third Fall and God’s Way of Salvation - Finding Grace!
68 views21:00
2021-11-20 00:01:53
If We Have the Lord’s Presence (hall 41, the church in Taipei) #church #churchnews #Christ #Life

31 views21:01
2021-11-19 00:00:01
BLESSED IS THE MAN WHO TRUSTS JEHOVAH" #church #churchnews #Christ #Life

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2021-11-18 00:00:00
church life in KENYA III #church #churchnews #Christ #Life
The saints have vital group practice every afternoon. They
are divided into small groups to propagate. Before going out,
they come together to sing hymns, speak the key footnotes
to one another, fellowship and pray for their contacts. They are
enjoying the Lord more with such kind of mutuality, and have
gained 18 new contacts and shepherded 5 previous contacts.
Among the contacts, sister A is very open and longing for the
truth. Through continuous shepherding, she received much
supply and is willing to open her home for the meeting. Home
meetings are held in her house starting from 30 August.
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2021-11-17 00:00:00
Ghana International Book Fair #church #churchnews #Christ #Life

The Ghana Gospel Bookroom participated in the 18th Ghana International Book Fair from 26 to 29 August 2021. This year’s book fair drew many workers and students from across the country as well as foreign nationals to view various kinds of books from approximately 61 exhibitors. Through the prayers of the saints and with about eight saints volunteering to man our booth, we contacted a good number of people. Over 500 people passed in front of our booth with some stopping to make inquiries about our books and others purchasing some books. About 75% of those who stopped by our table were high school students between the ages of 12 and 20 years. We engaged with the students and their teachers and they were so open for us to visit their schools for one-on-one shepherding.

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2021-11-16 00:01:02 Literature Training
In February 2021 a Book Service Workshop was held for two localities (Accra and Koforidua) for establishing and maintaining a healthy book sale service in these churches. The goal of the workshop was to assist in making the publications of the Living Stream Ministry available to the local saints and to raise up a service that actively promotes the reading of the publications of the ministry of the age among the local saints. The Lord is also strengthening His move in other West African countries through the literature distribution. We hope that the unparalleled riches of this ministry will be brought to many hungry and seeking ones in West Africa as a whole.
63 views21:01
2021-11-16 00:00:00
LITERATURE GHANA #church #churchnews #Christ #Life
We thank the Lord for His covering and this rich, life dispensing ministry. The Africa Ministry Depot (AMD) and Ghana Gospel Bookroom (GGB) have been a channel in bringing the saints in Ghana and the West African sub-region into the up-to-date ministry through trainings and the sale and distribution of books. The world situation has allowed us to broaden our scope through social media to make the ministry books more accessible to the public. Currently, 22182 people have liked our page on Facebook, and there have also been positive responses on other social media channels.
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