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电报频道的标志 churchnews2020 — 一个新人
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最新信息 25

2021-11-06 00:00:18
Dear brothers,

This is to request the prayer of the Body for Ethiopia. The war that was started one year ago in the northern part of Ethiopia now is spreading to the south wards. Now the main war zones are getting closer to Addis Ababa and the main import export corridor of the country which is on the way to Djibouti.

As you all are well aware the truth of the Lord's recovery is spreading all over the country and saints are enjoying the ministry in a way that never happened before. In oromiya and southern regions there is a great potential of raising up many churches. In the present situation the potential for the spreading of the ministry is not only in Ethiopia but also in the eastern African region is great. For instance the relationship between East African countries is becoming stronger. Ethiopian government is giving scholarship to students from East African Nations. Now we have students from south Sudan and Somali.
58 views21:00
2021-11-04 00:00:00
Church in TURKEY #church #churchnews #Christ #Life

The pandemic is still spreading in Turkey and the saints have been meeting through Zoom for more than a year. Although our meetings are limited, the gospel of God cannot be limited. We have one sister and one brother who have been baptized in these six months. We also had a small blending meeting in the beginning of this year with all the saints in Istanbul and from other cities in Turkey and overseas.

40 views21:00
2021-11-02 00:00:00
EAST AFRICA #church #churchnews #Christ #Life
There are approximately 2000 saints in the eastern part of the
African continent. Lampstands have been established in Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda
and Madagascar. There are also some saints following the ministry in Tanzania,
Rwanda and Mauritius. Lampstands have yet to be raised up in Somalia, Sudan,
South Sudan, Djibouti, Eritrea, and the island states of Comoros and Seychelles.
57 views21:00
2021-10-31 00:00:00
Church in Greece #church #churchnews #Christ #Life

There are about 20 saints throughout Greece meeting together on the Lord’s day by Zoom. In addition, there are also four or five small group meetings during the week. These meetings have sustained and encouraged the saints throughout the limitations of the restrictions due to the pandemic, and have even allowed many saints to participate in further opportunities for blending and getting into the ministry. Notable among these were the spring conferences in London and the recent CEEB. We are thankful that these conferences were available in the Greek language and were able to join our brothers and sisters throughout the earth to hear the Lord’s up to date speaking!
102 views21:00
2021-10-30 00:00:08
2 Tim 3:16-17 says “All Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for conviction, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, fully equipped for every good work.” #church #churchnews #Christ #Life
Why do you read the Bible?
59 views21:00
2021-10-29 00:00:07
It was nice being in person together enjoying Christ as the meaning of the human life and the church as the meaning of the church. College Conference 2021!!! #church #churchnews #Christ #Life
64 views21:00
2021-10-28 00:00:00
It was 595 days since our last in person college conference, but it was definitely worth the wait!! #collegeconference2021 #txst #jesus #paultheapostle #church #churchnews #Christ #Life
59 views21:00
2021-10-27 00:00:00
Literature Distribution in Ghana #church #churchnews #Christ #Life
AMD, in fellowship with the churches in Ghana, set apart 117 471 copies of the Holy Word for Morning Revival and 22 757 copies of the Ministry of the Word for free mass distribution in Ghana. From 28 January to 6 March, 130 781 books were distributed across 7 regions in Ghana. Some regions in the country have begun to seek progressive follow up and shepherding of the seeking ones into the ministry of the age, with a view to raising up new lampstands. The Lord is also strengthening His move in other West African countries through literature distribution. We hope that the unparalleled riches of this ministry will be brought to many hungry and seeking ones in West Africa as a whole.
source: Home (
72 views21:00
2021-10-26 00:00:01
【Church in BURKINA FASO】 #church #churchnews #Christ #Life
In this landlocked country, BURKINA FASO,there are 8 saints now enjoying the ministry – six of them in the city of Koudougou, and two in Ouagadougou. During the pandemic, they have continued their enjoyment of the ministry together. Saints in Koudougou meet on Thursdays in the homes and sometimes also on Lord’s Day afternoons to pray for the Lord’s move in Burkina Faso. The two brothers in Ouagadougou also pursue ministry books together.

The saints also have been receiving the supply from the Body. With the encouragement of the brothers in Ghana, the saints have participated in online perfecting. Please pray that the Lord will strengthen the existing saints in Koudougou and in Ouagadougou, and that the Lord may gain many more seeking ones for His testimony.
source : Home (
63 views21:00
2021-10-25 00:00:07
College conference 2021 has blast so far! #collegeconference2021
Christians on Campus @ OU #church #churchnews #Christ #Life
85 views21:00