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最新信息 75

2021-12-22 16:58:42 Amazon agreed to allow only five-star reviews for Xi’s book in China

The US retail giant agreed to Beijing’s demand to have anything below a five-star review of Xi Jinping’s book The Governance of China removed from about two years ago, Reuters reported, citing two unidentified sources.
39 views13:58
2021-12-22 16:57:28 Contact with nature in cities reduces loneliness

The research found that feelings of overcrowding increased loneliness by an average of 39%. But when people were able to see trees or the sky, or hear birds, feelings of loneliness fell by 28%. Feelings of social inclusion also cut loneliness by 21%, and when these feelings coincided with contact with nature the beneficial effect was boosted by a further 18%.

The findings pointed to interventions to reduce loneliness, the researchers said: “Specific measures that increase social inclusion and contact with nature should be implemented, especially in densely populated cities.”
41 views13:57
2021-12-22 16:55:11 A Multigenerational Home in Amsterdam Can Be Reconfigured for Changing Demands BETA Office for Architecture and the City create a five-story residence designed to accommodate and adapt to the needs of a couple with young children, as well as their elderly…
36 views13:55
2021-12-22 16:50:46 #人民日报 记者的驻朝故事:#朝鲜,一个值得去的地方

2018 年 4 月,朝鲜最高领导人 #金正恩 提出了「全党全国集中一切力量进行社会主义经济建设」的新经济战略路线,此后朝鲜在经济建设方面明显加快了步伐。

在朝鲜工作生活期间,朝鲜社会井然有序、安定祥和的气氛让我印象深刻,朝鲜也是世界上社会治安最好的国家之一。当今世界,正面临百年未有之大变局,很多国家都在遭受各种危机和社会动荡的考验,朝鲜在维持社会稳定方面所取得的成绩值得肯定。尤其是在 2020 年 1 月新冠肺炎疫情暴发后,朝鲜采取了严格的防疫措施,民众也积极配合,朝鲜至今没有出现新冠肺炎确诊病例,这一成绩实属不易。


40 views13:50
2021-12-22 16:47:29 Inline calculations and unit conversions – Craft

You can do inline calculations and unit conversions in Craft. Just select the text to see the result - clicking on it will swap the calculation to the result.
39 views13:47
2021-12-22 16:44:41 Microplastics cause damage to human cells Microplastics cause damage to human cells in the laboratory at the levels known to be eaten by people via their food, a study has found. The harm included cell death and allergic reactions and the research is the…
45 views13:44
2021-12-22 15:01:29 China Cannot Silence Me

I kept silent to protect my parents and my cousin’s three children. That was a mistake; my silence made no difference. Mayila was released twice and then rearrested. On December 12, 2020, the government sentenced her to six and a half years in prison. Her mistake, we finally learned, was sending her parents money to help them purchase a house in Australia, in 2013. The government called it “financing terrorist activities.”

Any official, it seems, has the authority to take Uyghur children away from their relatives. My father clings to the belief that Mayila will be freed soon. On many nights, he sits on a stool in the yard until midnight, waiting to open the door for Mayila. In the early days, my mother tried to persuade him to come to bed, but he continues to wait.

The Uyghur Tribunal issued its ruling on December 9th. It found that the Chinese government had committed genocide and crimes against humanity against the Uyghur community. It said that the government’s use of forced birth control and sterilization was “intended to destroy a significant part” of the Uyghur population and met the definition of genocide under international law.
64 viewsedited  12:01
2021-12-22 14:35:05 China has blocked Facebook (Meta). But a Chinese diplomat demands an explanation from Facebook on why his account was blocked.

After this, Mr. Zhang might understand the experience of some Chinese citizens on Weibo or WeChat: Why my account was suspended or blocked for no reason, and there is no way to appeal.
71 viewsedited  11:35
2021-12-22 13:40:17 Morality as Legitimacy under Xi Jinping: The Political Functionality of Traditional Culture for the Chinese Communist Party Taking as an example Xi Jinping’s use of the phrase “excellent traditional culture” (优秀传统文化, youxiu chuantong wenhua), this article…
79 viewsedited  10:40
2021-12-22 13:37:04 #互联网 #宗教 #平台 #对立 #煽动 #教育 #司法 #婚姻 #封建 #迷信 #歧视 #侮辱 #未成年 #出版 #邪教 #慈善 【互联网宗教信息服务管理办法】 第六条 通过互联网站、应用程序、论坛、博客、微博客、公众账号、即时通信工具、网络直播等形式,以文字、图片、音视频等方式向社会公众提供宗教教义教规、宗教知识、宗教文化、宗教活动等信息的服务,应当取得互联网宗教信息服务许可,并具备下列条件: (二)有熟悉国家宗教政策法规和相关宗教知识的信息审核人员; (五)有与服务相匹配的场所、设施和资金; …
75 views10:37