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TomBen’s Web Excursions

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电报频道的标志 tombenor — TomBen’s Web Excursions
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语言: 中国
用户: 2.16K

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2021-12-22 13:35:30 #互联网 #宗教 #平台 #对立 #煽动 #教育 #司法 #婚姻 #封建 #迷信 #歧视 #侮辱 #未成年 #出版 #邪教 #慈善


第六条 通过互联网站、应用程序、论坛、博客、微博客、公众账号、即时通信工具、网络直播等形式,以文字、图片、音视频等方式向社会公众提供宗教教义教规、宗教知识、宗教文化、宗教活动等信息的服务,应当取得互联网宗教信息服务许可,并具备下列条件:


第十条 从事互联网宗教信息服务,应当在显著位置明示《#互联网宗教信息服务许可证》编号。

第十四条 互联网宗教信息不得含有下列内容:

第十五条 取得《互联网宗教信息服务许可证》的宗教团体、宗教院校和寺观教堂,‌可以且仅限于通过其依法自建的互联网站、应用程序、论坛等由宗教教职人员、宗教院校教师讲经讲道,阐释教义教规中有利于社会和谐、时代进步、健康文明的内容,‌引导信教公民爱国守法。参与讲经讲道的人员实行实名管理。

第十六条 取得《互联网宗教信息服务许可证》的宗教院校,‌可以且仅限于通过其依法自建的专用互联网站、应用程序、论坛等开展面向宗教院校学生、宗教教职人员的宗教教育培训。专用互联网站、应用程序、论坛等对外须使用虚拟专用网络连接,‌并对参加教育培训的人员进行身份验证。

第十七条 除本办法第十五条、第十六条规定的情形外,‌任何组织或者个人不得在互联网上传教,不得开展宗教教育培训、发布讲经讲道内容或者转发、链接相关内容,不得在互联网上组织开展宗教活动,不得以文字、图片、音视频等方式直播或者录播拜佛、烧香、受戒、诵经、礼拜、弥撒、受洗等宗教仪式。

第十八条 任何组织或者个人不得在互联网上成立宗教组织、设立宗教院校和宗教活动场所、发展教徒。

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第二十一条 未取得《互联网宗教信息服务许可证》的互联网信息传播平台,‌应当加强平台注册用户管理,不得为用户提供互联网宗教信息发布服务。

第三十六条 本办法自2022年3月1日起施行。内详 (国家宗教事务局)
59 views10:35
2021-12-21 17:26:01 Is China market socialist? Comparing Western theory to Eastern practice

The question of whether the contemporary Chinese economy is more accurately characterized as market socialist or market capitalist depends to some extent on semantic issues pertaining to the meaning of terms such as capitalism, socialism, and the market.

Adding to these complications is the fact that there are several market socialist plans, quite different in their specifics, extant in the systems literature produced by Western economists.

The present contribution attempts to shed a more focused light on this question by comparing the contemporary Chinese economy to a specific plan of market socialism known as ‘pragmatic market socialism.’

While obviously not a perfect match, there appears to be sufficient overlap for the Chinese economy to be considered a reasonable approximation to pragmatic market socialism.

To cite this article: Yunker, James A. 2021. “Is China Market Socialist? Comparing Western Theory to Eastern Practice.” China Economic Journal, November, 1–27.
116 views14:26
2021-12-21 17:02:53 Five steps to digital hygiene

Turn off mail and social media alerts on your phone.

Don’t read the comments. Not on your posts or on the posts of other people. Not the reviews and not the trolls.

De-escalate the anger in every email exchange.

Put your phone in the glove compartment while driving.

Spend the most creative hour of your day creating, not responding.
92 views14:02
2021-12-21 17:02:13 Building Exceptional Relationships

The longest-ever study on happiness has thrown the spotlight on one primary ingredient—close relationships. Whether with a spouse, significant other, other family members, friends, or larger social circle, the ability to create solid functional relationships is a determinant of both personal and professional success, finds the 75-year-long Harvard Study of Adult Development.

Exceptional relationships are characterized by truth-telling, honesty, and investment in each other’s learning and growth. A key element of an exceptional relationship is that you feel really known. And to know that the other party also feels really known by you. To feel really known is a profoundly moving and meaningful experience.

Building an exceptional relationship starts with disclosure as a means of becoming better known and allowing the other person to be better understood by you. The reciprocal action creates trust, fostering honesty with each other and the free exchange of feedback.
75 views14:02
2021-12-21 16:56:41 How we chose this week’s cover image

The idea came from “Murder of the Orient Express”, an elegy to the severed railway lines that once connected the Middle East. When we were thinking about how to illustrate it, we looked back to travel posters from the 1920s and ’30s. The pandemic has kept the world cooped up. Staycations and visits to the nearest tourist trap are fine and good, but don’t you long to stand in front of an international departure board and savour the promise of sun, sea and snow? It struck us that our cover could be a train journey transporting readers across the world.
73 views13:56
2021-12-21 16:53:16 Try Patriotism Americans may be divided, they may be partisan, but they’re too patriotic to go for that.
65 views13:53