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最新信息 9

2022-07-03 16:45:51 RIP 倪匡先生

305 views13:45
2022-07-02 04:53:43 “You Cannot Make Friends at Work”? Relatedness in and beyond the Workplace and the Reconfiguration of Kinship and Gender in Urban China Based on ethnographic fieldwork conducted in the form of immersive research in corporate Shanghai, this article demonstrates…
305 viewsedited  01:53
2022-07-02 04:44:30 “You Cannot Make Friends at Work”? Relatedness in and beyond the Workplace and the Reconfiguration of Kinship and Gender in Urban China

Based on ethnographic fieldwork conducted in the form of immersive research in corporate Shanghai, this article demonstrates how white-collar women in urban China crafted relatedness in the interstitial times and spaces of and beyond the workplace.

It brings to light how the precarious nature of work and the workplace environment shaped the precarious nature of relatedness established by those women who worked together.

Though aware of the assumed lack of sociability and interpersonal trust as well as the fleeting and momentary ties formed in urban and corporate spaces defined by mobility and instability, white-collar women who worked together developed ties of relatedness to express their own desired understanding of the self and familial and gender roles.

Forms of relatedness produced among white-collar women in and beyond the workplace occupy a space between home and work, reconceptualize women’s roles and places in family life, and reconfigure kinship and gender.

“It is so hard for a young woman to establish herself in a big city, away from her hometown. For common people like us, we can only rely on the care and help from our friends to make a living in Shanghai.” Sophia once quoted this line from Ode to Joy. #欢乐颂

The significance of kinship, on which extrafamilial relationships such as guanxi are based, has been declining in big cities, as more and more Chinese people, like my white-collar woman interlocutors in Shanghai, have moved from inland towns and cities to coastal metropolises where more interaction is among strangers rather than among kin and people from the same native place.

This article has demonstrated how non-kin relatedness produced by women who worked together reconfigured dominant kinship values, relations, and practices.

To cite this article: Peng, Xinyan. 2022. “‘You Cannot Make Friends at Work’? Relatedness in and beyond the Workplace and the Reconfiguration of Kinship and Gender in Urban China.” Modern China, June, 00977004221100151.
291 viewsedited  01:44
2022-07-01 07:48:49 From Derek Sivers:

A book publisher in China is going to translate and publish my books for the Chinese market.

I’d like all of my profits to go directly to a Chinese charity. Something that helps the people of China. (Not just a charity based in China that helps people elsewhere.) It feels more meaningful that way.

It should be whatever charity is helping the most people, saving lives, and is proven to be efficient and effective.

Do you have any recommendations?

305 viewsedited  04:48
2022-06-30 16:30:31 我们文化中间没有对 #种族意识 的问题进行过认真地反思和讨论。

296 views13:30
2022-06-30 16:28:36 我们文化中间没有对 #种族意识 的问题进行过认真地反思和讨论。

272 viewsedited  13:28
2022-06-29 17:06:32 Religion gives life meaning. Can anything else take its place?

Whether you accept this philosophical claim or not, the fact that many people seem to believe that God or other supernatural entities are necessary for life to be meaningful suggests that, psychologically, there is some important connection between religious faith and the sense of meaning in life.

One study from the 1970s found that nuns scored higher on such measures than lay people. More recently, a study published in 2021 found that theists report experiencing more meaning in life than atheists. Numerous other studies have found that religiousness is positively correlated with perceived meaning in life.

It is natural to wonder whether secular society can duplicate the existential benefits of religion. In order to do so, we would need to understand how it is, exactly, that religious faith makes life feel meaningful.

One possible explanation has to do with the way religion tends to act like social glue, drawing the faithful into likeminded communities. People often find social support and a sense of belonging within such communities, which can be a powerful source of perceived meaning in life.

Another possibility is that religious faith helps people to feel that they matter not just to others, but in the grand scheme of things.

The primary reason why religiousness is associated with perceived meaning in life is because it is also associated with perceptions of cosmic significance.

Is it possible to cultivate a sense of cosmic significance without adopting religious beliefs? One might contribute to science (ie, attempt to comprehend the Universe), or work to protect Earth from the climate crisis or other global threats.

These are enormously important and good things to do with one’s life. Yet the impacts of such endeavours are confined to the comparatively humble scale of our planet – which, again, is a very small part of the cosmos overall. Moreover, even if one’s efforts were successful, these secular sources of significance are likely to require an enormous amount of hard work, dedication and opportunities that are not available to everyone. Hence, religion might be a unique source of perceived meaning in life.

In any case, one clear implication of this research is that a person’s sense that their life is meaningful depends on their perceptions of their own significance.
284 views14:06
2022-06-29 16:39:23 「宁可暂时影响一点经济发展,也不能让人民群众生命安全和身体健康受到伤害」

「宁可…… 也……」这个句式听上去怎么这么熟悉。

哦,原来铁人 #王进喜 在 1960 年大庆石油会战时说过:「宁可少活二十年,拼命也要拿下大油田」。

王进喜在造反派的折磨下,病情急骤恶化,在返回大庆的途中住进了北京医院。1970 年 11 月 15 日,王进喜在北京逝世,终年 47 岁。他为了祖国的石油事业,真的少活了 20 年。(节选自《百年石油》第 144 页)
295 viewsedited  13:39
2022-06-29 16:26:26 On Needing to Find Something to Worry About — Why We Always Worry for No Reason

It sounds paradoxical and absurd to think that some of us might need to find something to worry about in order to recover our equilibrium. Worry is, after all, something we should rightly hate to have to suffer and should engage with only when absolutely necessary.

Yet, some of us do start to feel distinctly nervous when things around us settle down and pervasive stillness descends. We start to feel anxiety about the future precisely when – and in a sense because – there is nothing especially awful on the horizon.

The psychoanalyst Donald Winnicott captured the dynamic of this forgetting in a memorable phrase: ‘the catastrophe we think will happen has in fact already happened.’

Rather than constantly checking their phones at 4am, manic worriers should gradually come to exchange their feelings of dread for the future for a patient understanding and mourning for an unfairly traumatic and as yet insufficiently explored past.
260 views13:26
2022-06-29 14:59:25 前年看了纪录片《人生第一次》,收获了很多感动。

今天看了《人生第二次》第一集,依然很感动。 #儿童拐卖
274 views11:59