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TomBen’s Web Excursions

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2022-01-06 05:56:12 China’s Reform Generation Adapts to Life in the Middle Class - Peter Hessler During the nineteen-nineties, I taught English literature, and I sometimes asked students to act out scenes from Shakespeare. As we stayed in touch over the years, certain character…
84 viewsedited  02:56
2022-01-05 18:05:16 China’s Reform Generation Adapts to Life in the Middle Class - Peter Hessler

During the nineteen-nineties, I taught English literature, and I sometimes asked students to act out scenes from Shakespeare. As we stayed in touch over the years, certain character roles continued to develop, like plays that never ended. One girl who had performed Juliet—wearing a red dress, standing atop a wooden desk in the balcony scene—enjoyed a successful post-Romeo career with the local government bureau that managed the one-child policy. The best Hamlet I ever taught died in Horatio’s arms, joined the Communist Party, moved to Tibet, and became a cadre in the Propaganda Department.

For a Chinese person born in the nineteen-seventies, success sometimes felt like an accident.

Middle-aged Chinese had grown up alongside the changes that were initiated in 1978, by Deng Xiaoping’s Reform and Opening policy, and many of them had participated in the largest internal migration in human history, as more than a quarter of a billion people moved from the countryside to the cities.

They usually described themselves as “peasants,” a word that had no stigma at a Marxist college. When they wrote essays about their families, they put themselves somewhere between the horrors of the Communist past—the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution—and whatever the future might hold.

Later in life, Youngsea described this period in terms that were almost fable-like. Initially, he had been motivated by a desire to protect his girlfriend, but, after he became rich beyond his wildest dreams, it was as if the money numbed his desire. “What we had was true love,” he said, years later. “But at that time the drive for money was stronger than anything else. She was going back and forth from home to the shop, working constantly. We bought an apartment and a car together. We were so busy; I was doing business all the time.”

Ever since 2012, when Xi Jinping, the General Secretary of the Communist Party, initiated a series of strict anticorruption campaigns, local officials had become more careful in their interactions with civilians. I was still in touch with a few former students who had become officials, but they never said much about their jobs, and they didn’t answer my questionnaires. One former student told me that the Party had instructed many officials not to attend school reunions, which might present opportunities for old classmates to ask for favors.

Increasingly, Chinese officials have become a class apart. In 2017, I asked on a survey if respondents frequently had contact with government officials, and twenty-six out of thirty said no. But to the next question—would you want your child to pursue a career in government service?—twenty-one responded in the affirmative. “I don’t like government men, but I like the job,” one man said. “I hope my kid could get a job as an official. The job is not hard and rewarding.”

That year, I also asked respondents if they believed that China should become a multiparty democracy, and only about a quarter said yes. A number of them said that China’s system has been successful. For others, though, the reasons were more cynical. “We already have one corrupt party,” one man said. “It will be much worse if we have more.” A woman responded, “We have seen America with multiparty, but you have elected the worst president in human’s history.” When I asked if they expected a significant change in China’s political system during the next decade, more than ninety per cent said no.

In China, generations are not usually named. There’s no equivalent of boomers, or Gen X, or millennials: the Chinese media tends to identify a cohort simply by its decade of birth. But I think of my Fuling students as part of a group that could be called the reform generation, because their lives paralleled the changes initiated by Deng Xiaoping.
51 viewsedited  15:05
2022-01-05 06:45:34 这一波买车+装修房子,基本把这三年攒的钱,炒股赚的钱,全部霍霍干净了。






所以我买 Tesla,因为上海工厂里的底层工人待遇是全国汽车行业里最好的;所以我买 Apple 产品,因为 Apple Store 是全国唯一有盲人、残疾人店员的地方。

所有到我家来做事的师傅,特别是那些穿戴整洁的,看起来就知道有经验的老师傅,开价多少钱,我基本从不还价,用他们可能更贵的官方服务。因为我知道,他们一天就算赚 400、500,这钱也不好赚,这工作换我,就算会做,我也不会去做。

112 views03:45
2022-01-05 06:26:56 Chinese Police Hunt Overseas Critics With Advanced Tech The Chinese government, which has built an extensive digital infrastructure and security apparatus to control dissent on its own platforms, is going to even greater lengths to extend its internet dragnet…
156 viewsedited  03:26
2022-01-04 18:33:39 Zotero2Readwise is a Python library that retrieves all Zotero annotations and notes. Then, It automatically uploads them to your Readwise.
15 viewsedited  15:33
2022-01-04 17:33:35 The People’s Map of Global China

The People’s Map of Global China tracks China’s complex and rapidly changing international activities by engaging an equally global civil society.

Using an interactive, open access, and online ‘map’ format, we collaborate with nongovernmental organisations, journalists, trade unions, academics, and the public at large to provide updated and updatable information on various dimensions of Global China in their localities.

The Map consists of profiles of countries and projects, sortable by project parameters, Chinese companies and banks involved, and their social, political, and environmental impacts.

This bottom-up, collaborative initiative seeks to provide a platform for the articulation of local voices often marginalised by political and business elites.

It is our hope that the information collected by this networked global civil society will be a useful resource for policymaking, research, and international advocacy.
40 viewsedited  14:33
2022-01-04 17:29:39 江雪:长安十日 #西安 #封城 而那些为这座城市按下「暂停键」的人,那些手握权力的人,他们又可曾想到,他们将怎样影响居住在这城市的 1300 万人的命运?如果这不是比天还大的事情,那还有什么是呢? 其实很容易想到,我们这些小区居民还是幸运的,家里一般都会有点余粮,不至于马上挨饿。最悲惨的是老旧小区,城中村、建筑工地等一些「三不管」地带的人。难以想象的是,那些平日在公司上班的年轻人,封城后也成为吃饭最难的人群之一。他们平时不做饭,没炊具,有的就住办公室。此时外面餐馆关门,外卖停止,连大门都出不去,方便面都成了稀罕物。…
40 viewsedited  14:29
2022-01-04 17:17:56 冰天雪地是金山银山,茅厕粪坑也是金山银山,万物皆可金山银山。
48 viewsedited  14:17
2022-01-04 17:09:24 5 lessons humans can learn from dogs

Owning a dog has allowed me to see them in a different light, and reinforced some important life lessons. There are five key lessons from Bobby I’d like to share:

1. The power of reciprocation

We are hard-wired to reciprocate. If you scratch my back I’ll scratch yours. If you acknowledge me, I’m more likely to acknowledge you and so on. Dogs recognise this in spades.

2. Being present

What’s the most important thing in the world?

I don’t know, but thankfully Bobby does.

The most important thing is whatever Bobby is doing at any particular moment. Whether it’s eating, playing ball, or licking my face. He gives it his full attention. He doesn’t worry about what went on in the past or what will come in the future. He enjoys the moment.

3. Simple pleasures

Bobby has very simple needs and wants. Beyond food, water, shelter and a daily walk, he craves almost nothing. He’s satisfied with his lot.

Human beings seem to have difficulty with this. We tend to associate material possessions with happiness and struggle to find contentment. We’re constantly comparing ourselves to others and upgrading our lifestyle expectations. We’re hard-wired for active dissatisfaction and the finish line is always moving.

4. The importance of sleep

Bobby is a wonderful sleeper. On average he gets more than double the amount of sleep as I do. It makes me very jealous but I only have myself to blame.

Humans are the only species I know of to deliberately deprive themselves of sleep for no apparent gain. It’s a shame because sleep is just about the most important thing we do.

5. Having fun

Bobby is a very playful dog and knows better than anyone how to have fun. I’m often sat in front of the computer, and get that look from Bobby that says – ‘What on earth are you doing that could be so important? Come and play!’
48 views14:09
2022-01-04 17:07:52 江雪:长安十日 #西安 #封城

而那些为这座城市按下「暂停键」的人,那些手握权力的人,他们又可曾想到,他们将怎样影响居住在这城市的 1300 万人的命运?如果这不是比天还大的事情,那还有什么是呢?



1 月 3 日,又一天过去了,群里有人说:「终于又保住了一天」。我们就这样活在「盛世」。



48 viewsedited  14:07