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TomBen’s Web Excursions

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电报频道的标志 tombenor — TomBen’s Web Excursions
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语言: 中国
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Artificial algorithms on the open web. 杂七杂八,英中夹杂。
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最新信息 65

2022-01-04 16:54:03 52 Things I Learned in 2021

As of 2019, only 54% of Americans accept the theory of evolution.

The number of people born in Antarctica (11) is fewer than the number of people who have walked on the Moon (12).

In the past 45 years, the top 1% of Americans have taken $50 trillion from the bottom 90%.

People age at different speeds. “People varied widely in biological aging: The slowest ager gained only 0.4 ‘biological years’ for each chronological year in age; in contrast, the fastest-aging participant gained nearly 2.5 biological years for every chronological year.”

“It takes about 200 hours of investment in the space of a few months to move a stranger into being a good friend.”

“What exactly is meant by the term ‘Holocaust’? It means that the global Jewish population in 2019 (~15 million) is still lower than it was in 1939 (16.6 million). So many Jews were murdered that we still haven’t recovered demographically after 80 years.”

How algorithms radicalize the users of social media platforms. “Facebook’s own research revealed that 64 percent of the time a person joins an extremist Facebook Group, they do so because the platform recommended it.”

Scientists didn’t discover that the cause of the 1918 influenza pandemic was a virus until 1933. “At the time most microbiologists believed that influenza was caused by a bacteria.”

Galileo didn’t invent the telescope and wasn’t even the first to use it for astronomical purposes.

By counting excess deaths from Jan 2020 to Sept 2021, the Economist estimates that more than 15 million people have died of Covid-19 worldwide, more than 3 times the official death toll of ~4.6 million.

The Beishan Broadcasting Wall in Kinmen, Taiwan was a massive three-story speaker system built in 1967 to broadcast anti-Communist messages to China.

The ubiquitous Chinese food takeout container was originally invented for carrying oysters.
55 views13:54
2022-01-03 18:36:39 Straight and curly quotes

Straight quotes are the two generic ver­ti­cal quo­ta­tion marks lo­cated near the re­turn key: the straight sin­gle quote (') and the straight dou­ble quote (").

Curly quotes are the quo­ta­tion marks used in good ty­pog­ra­phy. There are four curly quote char­ac­ters: the open­ing sin­gle quote (), the clos­ing sin­gle quote (), the open­ing dou­ble quote (), and the clos­ing dou­ble quote ().

Straight quotes are a type­writer habit. In tra­di­tional print­ing, all quo­ta­tion marks were curly. But type­writer char­ac­ter sets were lim­ited by me­chan­i­cal con­straints and phys­i­cal space. By re­plac­ing the curly open­ing and clos­ing quotes with am­bidex­trous straight quotes, two slots be­came avail­able for other characters.

Word proces­sors are not lim­ited in this way. You can al­ways get curly quotes. Com­pared to straight quotes, curly quotes are more leg­i­ble on the page and match the other char­ac­ters bet­ter. There­fore, straight quotes should never, ever ap­pear in your documents.

在英文论文中看见「直引号」我就头大,强迫症让我有种把它们改成「弯引号」的冲动,比如这一篇文章的 标题。 #标点符号
41 viewsedited  15:36
2022-01-03 18:22:10 Tools for Thought - 2021 Recap and 2022 Dreams Roam will come back in 2022?
46 viewsedited  15:22
2022-01-03 17:38:31 Tools for Thought - 2021 Recap and 2022 Dreams

Roam will come back in 2022?
59 views14:38
2022-01-03 17:33:07 Intellectual Loneliness

Intellectual loneliness is a challenge that many people feel, but nobody talks about. It’s built on a paradox where you feel alive when you’re learning on the Internet but soul-crushed when you try to talk about those same ideas with friends and family.

Solving this problem is the #1 reason I started writing online. ​

Writing on the Internet is the best way to solve intellectual loneliness because sharing ideas in public turns you into a magnet for like-minded people.
58 views14:33
2022-01-03 17:30:51 China has entered a “new era”.

The dawn of this new era can actually be traced back to 2012 and Xi Jinping’s rise to power.

Xi’s New Era marks the third era in PRC history – following the Mao Era and the Deng Era.

It’s what we here at Trivium call PRC 3.0.

As Xi has stated many times, each era has its own distinct overarching characteristic.

The Mao Era (i.e., PRC 1.0) was about China “standing up.”

The Deng Era (i.e., PRC 2.0) was about China “getting rich.”

The Xi Era (i.e., PRC 3.0) is about China “becoming strong.”

PRC 3.0 is characterized by major shifts in the Party’s approach to the economy, politics, and foreign affairs. In brief:

China’s development model has become more inclusive and focused on “quality” over “quantity.”

After decades of ideological drift, Xi has reinstilled confidence in China’s Party-led political system.

China has become more assertive on the world stage.

In the entries below, we dig into all three of these shifts so that we can better understand what PRC 3.0 means for China – and the world.

55 views14:30
2022-01-03 17:19:34 Why Google Maps Is Different Depending on Your Location #领土争端

The map that Google shows will be the map that a lot of people believe. Maps should always be viewed critically.

And that doesn’t mean they are bad maps, just that we should view them critically since the decisions mapmakers make affect our view of the world every day.
68 views14:19
2022-01-03 04:55:48 与时俱进

绿坝·花季护航:#中国大陆 的一款内容控制软件。政府称安装软件的目的在于保护未成年电脑用户,防止他们浏览色情网站等有害内容,但过滤的准确度过低。另外该软件可过滤一些政治敏感的信息,因而有观点认为这一软件是政府进行网络审查的工具之一。政府大规模推行软件预装措施招致诸多民众和媒体异议。中国大陆政府原定于 2009 年 7 月 1 日起,要求在中国大陆新生产和销售的电脑进行全面预装,后迫于舆论压力而表示无限期推迟该规定。面对此争议,软件生产公司发言人则称该强制措施并不适用于成年人;即用户可以选择不安装绿坝软件。同时官方也宣称,上网过滤软件可自选安装,不会进行任何监控。

国家反诈中心:#国家反诈中心 是由中华人民共和国公安部刑事侦查局开发的手机应用程序,发布于 2021 年 3 月。该软件在应用商店的说明为这款软件旨在维护电信网络安全、创建网络诈骗举报渠道以及增强防骗宣传。中国政府官方宣传称,这款 APP 不仅能举报目前发生的 #电信诈骗,还能检测可能将要发生的电信诈骗(如诈骗电话等),并在各地向市民大力宣传安装该 APP,截至 2021 年 9 月,总下载量已超过两亿次。该 APP 面临诸多争议,如强制市民安装、索取大量权限、侵犯用户隐私、识别与讯问访问海外金融网站的用户等。该应用程序的注册需要包含人脸信息,此外也会扫描手机中已安装的应用程序。据报道,中国政府在如 #深圳 市等许多地区实行强制或半强制市民安装此应用程序,引起市民不满。此外有报道指出,曾有在手机浏览过彭博社等国际金融新闻网站的公民被警方识别,并被传唤至公安局进行讯问。


1. 小米 MIUI13 系统内置「国家反诈中心」
2. 中华人民共和国大规模监控
3. 学习强国
4. 「青年大学习」行动
5. 立陶宛国防部建议消费者避免购买中国手机
29 viewsedited  01:55
2022-01-02 08:02:02 The Photos of the Year for 2021
102 views05:02
2022-01-02 07:02:25 Chinese Traffic to time.gif I checked a few IP addresses and they were all in mobile networks, not data centers. The user agent containing MicroMessenger and MQQBrowser indicates that the source of the traffic are WeChat and/or QQ, popular Chinese chat apps.…
5 views04:02